MED COLOURS Project kick off


  • Project

The MED Colours Project kicked off on 20 March


On 20 March, a new European collaborative project was kicked-off: MED COLOURS (Mediterranean Collaborative Logistics for the Urban Space).

MED COLOURS is a EU Project co-funded by the Interreg Euro-MED and coordinated by ITL (Institute for Transport and Logistics Foundation). 

MED COLOURS aims at upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and planning enabling the transition to decarbonised and smart cities. By developing new SULPs, MED Cities will plan resilient, sustainable, integrated, and collaborative innovation-driven solutions for the UFAs. This would help reducing the negative impacts of freight and logistics activities.

In this exciting journey to plan and test innovative solutions in urban freight transport, MED COLOURS is going to implement 5 pilot actions and 6 SULPs.

MED COLOURS’ joint territorial ambition is to enable urban freight distribution in MED-FUAs from a low carbon environmental perspective and, at the same time, give cities a boost in sustainable development and human well-being.

COLOURS will jointly validate:

  1. strategy for continuous cross-monitoring of SULPs
  2. New Resilient SULPs
  3. Solutions for innovative and sustainable urban logistics.

This would foster the more effective implementation of existing sustainable policies and improve access to funding/investment for climate-resilient living areas. COLOURS supports the digital and environmental transition in six cities and their related FUA in MED area (Livorno, Cesena, Thessaloniki, Koper, Lisbon, and Lyon).

Transition is built upon a quadruple helix approach supported by the liaison with other European Projects in the same field. COLOURS will adopt a new approach to urban freight planning introducing new collaborative concepts and disruptive/enabling technologies. The project outcomes will go beyond existing practices through long-term transition scenarios to achieve the targets set in the EU green Deal in MED Area.

Stay tuned for new updates!